Hysteroscopy Surgery

Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows your doctor to look inside your uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of abnormal bleeding. Hysteroscopy is done using a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube that is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus.

A Hysteroscopy Surgery is a diagnostic procedure. Hystero means uterus. Scopy means to look into. The Hysteroscopy procedure is done with the help of an instrument known as Hysteroscope. It is a type of Endoscope.

The Hysteroscopy procedure involves a long hollow tube which has a light source and a camera attached. The doctor can see the video images on the screen in front of him. With this Hysteroscope, the infertility specialist in Sri Ankura Fertility Centre, iui centre in Tirupati, is able to see the cervix and inside of the uterus of a patient.

Many problems of the uterus can be diagnosed with the help of hysteroscope. At the same time, some treatments can also be done at the time of hysteroscopy. It is commonly used in diagnosing various causes resulting in infertility.


Hysteroscopy Procedure

The hysteroscopy procedure, in SRI ANKURA FERTILITY CENTRE. As around this time, the uterine lining is comparatively thin. It can be done in local, regional or general anaesthesia. Patient may be sedated additionally. The patient is put in lithotomy position. That is both the knees are bent and kept above the hips. And the perineum is near the edge of the operating table. This position is also most commonly used in vaginal birth. Then the hysteroscope is inserted through vagina into cervix and then to the uterus.  Normally the walls of the uterus are approximated. The uterus is then distended using fluids.

Hysteroscopy Uses in Infertility

If there are any adhesions in the uterus they can be identified and removed by hysteroscopy.
Fibroids/ polyps:
The identification and exacting the location of the polyps and fibroids can be done by this procedure. They can also be removed by myomectomy (for fibroids) or polypectomy (for polyps) in the same sitting.
Uterine abnormalities:
Structural abnormalities of the uterus like a septum can be diagnosed and treated.
Removal of embedded or misplaced IUDs can be done by hysteroscopy.
Tubal Patency Tests:
The tubal patency can be established by using a dye with hysteroscopy.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding:
The cause of AUB can be identified and a process called as endometrial ablation can be done to treat it.
A Biopsy (small piece of tissue) can be taken from the inner lining of uterus for further evaluation of uterine pathology.
Tubal opening:
 If the openings of the tubes are occluded, the occlusion can be removed.
After the Procedure:
A patient can have some cramping, minor vaginal bleeding. They can also complain of feeling of bloating.  Some pain killers can be prescribed for the post operative pain.
Advantages of Hysteroscopy:
Rarely, it can lead to perforation of the uterus and injury to the other intra abdominal organs. This can be avoided if the operating hysteroscopy surgeon is experienced and has good surgical skills.)